Meet These 3 Cannabis Queens

Have you ever wondered what it's like to work in the cannabis industry without ever touching a cannabis plant? Have you ever wondered how it feels to fight for your voice to be heard in a busy, male-dominated industry? Meet these incredible Cannabis Queens who demonstrate leadership, brilliance, and endurance in ancillary companies while setting themselves apart in a male-dominated industry.

1.) Nicole Fenix - Director of Education at Cleveland School of Cannabis

  • Nicole Fenix is a dedicated professional with extensive experience in education and the cannabis industry. Since September 2019, she has served as the Director of Education at the Cleveland School of Cannabis (CSC), where her passion for cannabis education shines through. Nicole’s strong educational background serves as a solid foundation for her work and enhancement of CSC. Nicole is committed to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the cannabis industry. 

2.) Montannah “Tannah” Ragland - Owner of Tannahbis Puff Co and Author of Tannahbis Books

  • Meet Tannah Ragland, the Founder of Tannahbist Puff Co, LLC, and author of Tannahbis Tea Table Art Books. As the visionary behind a Black woman-owned cannabis company and private bud bar, Tannah is dedicated to destigmatizing cannabis and elevating its cultural significance. Certified in marijuana horticulture and cannabis mixology, Tannah is a passionate cannabis enthusiast who leverages her expertise to challenge societal norms. With a Master’s degree in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics, she seamlessly integrates powerful concepts into her work, sparking imagination and challenging conventional standards.. 

Katie Burrel - VP, COO and Co-Founder at PufCreativ (Cannabis Marketing Agency)

  • Katie Burrel is the VP, COO, and co-founder of PufCreativ, an award-winning cannabis marketing agency. With a knack for social media management, digital marketing, SEO, and more, Katie is committed to creating and promoting genuine experiences in the cannabis industry, as seen by her recognition as Adcon’s 2022 Marketer of the Year. Proudly representing the LGBTQ+ community, Katie advocates for diversity and inclusion, inspiring others to explore opportunities in the cannabis space.

Empowering Green: How Women Are Leading the Way in the Cannabis Market

It’s time to celebrate Women’s History Month! The cannabis industry is filled with unique people united by one plant, and one group of people in particular is increasing their share of the business: women! Join us as we explore the increasing number of female consumers, the rise of women-led businesses, and the impactful leadership of women entrepreneurs and trailblazers.

Female Consumers in Cannabis:

According to studies completed by Flowhu, there’s been a notable rise in female cannabis consumers. More women are turning to natural alternatives like cannabis products to manage pain and other qualifying conditions. This trend can be attributed to factors such as changing societal attitudes, increased legalization, and growing awareness of cannabis’s therapeutic benefits for women’s health.

Headset mentions that it comes to product preferences, women often choose options that offer therapeutic benefits and promote self-care. Topicals and wellness products are popular for their holistic approach to well-being. Low-dose edibles are amazing for discreteness and ease of use, allowing women to incorporate cannabis into their routines without stigma.

In terms of consumption methods, many women prefer vaping, tinctures, and microdosing for their precise dosing and quick onset of effects. These methods are valued for promoting relaxation and enhancing overall quality of life.

Rise of Women-Led Businesses:

The rise of women-led businesses in the cannabis industry is a testament to the shifting landscape of entrepreneurship and gender equality. Across functions such as cultivation, retail, and ancillary services, women entrepreneurs are making their mark with innovation and strategy. From managing cultivation operations to creating unique retail experiences, these women are reshaping the cannabis industry and challenging traditional norms.

Success stories abound among women entrepreneurs who have overcome barriers and paved the way for others in the industry. Trail Blazers like Montannah, author of Tannahbis coffee table books, have demonstrated remarkable creativity and vision in navigating the complexities of a male-dominated field. Others, like Dr. Bridget Williams, have leveraged their medical expertise to care for patients and drive industry-wide change. These women-led businesses not only contribute to the economic growth of the cannabis industry but also serve as inspiring examples of empowerment and inclusivity.


As we celebrate Women’s History Month, it’s clear that women are making significant strides in shaping the cannabis industry. From increasing female consumers to the rise of women-led businesses breaking barriers and driving industry-wide change, their influence can’t be denied. Leaders  like Katie Burrel, Co-Founder of a Cannabis Marketing Agency called PufCreative, and Cimone Casson, owner of Cannas Capital Insurance Firm, truly show resilience and determination in reshaping traditionally male-dominated spaces. Their success stories not only contribute to the industry’s growth but also inspire us on our journey of empowerment and inclusivity!

Brain Injuries & The ECS

Chances are, you're familiar with the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system, but what about the Endocannabinoid System? Today, we're diving into a must-have guide on understanding your body's Endocannabinoid System, its interaction with medical cannabis, and the intriguing connection it has to brain injuries.

Q:What is the Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?

According to Harvard Health Publishing, the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a vital network in our bodies that is responsible for maintaining balance and regulating important processes. It’s made up of three components: endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), and enzymes. 

  • Endocannabinoids in your body are similar in structure to those found in cannabis. They usually interact with two cannabinoid receptors: CB1 located in the brain and CB2 found in immune tissues. 
  • Cannabinoid receptors play an important role in controlling functions like pain sensation, immune response, and inflammation. 
  • Enzymes in the ECS control how much endocannabinoids are made and broken down, which keeps their levels balanced.1

Overall, the ECS acts as your body’s regulatory system, making sure that your body’s functions are in balance, including pain control. According to The American Journal of Psychiatry, we’ve only recently discovered the endocannabinoid system, but have made huge strides in the last few decades to understand its role of balance for overall health and well-being.

The ECS, Cannabis, and Brain Health:

Recent research has found that cannabinoids can help protect the brain and promote healing. CBD, in particular, has shown to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain, which can prevent damage to neurons from things like brain injuries and slow down conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.3

Cannabinoids also have the potential to help the brain grow new cells. This means cannabinoids could improve brain recovery and function after injury. However, more research is needed to fully understand how cannabinoids work in the brain and how they can be used as treatments for brain conditions.4


As research continues to understand exactly how cannabinoids work in the brain and if they can really help with brain conditions, we’re eager to find out what this means for those affected by Brain Injuries. Learning about the ECS and how it interacts with cannabis is a big step forward in understanding our health better. 

To learn more about Brain Injuries, visit The Brain Injury Association of Ohio!


  1. Peter Grinspoon, M. (2021, August 11). The endocannabinoid system: Essential and mysterious. Harvard Health. 
  2. Haney, M. et al. (2022b, January 1). Cannabis use and the endocannabinoid system: A clinical perspective. American Journal of Psychiatry.,and%20reinforcing%20effects%20(10)
  3. Singh, K. et al. (2023). Emerging Therapeutic Potential of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Neurological Disorders: A Comprehensive Review. Behavioral neurology, 2023, 8825358. 
  4. Alline C. et al. The anxiolytic effect of cannabidiol on chronically stressed mice depends on hippocampal neurogenesis: involvement of the endocannabinoid system, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 16, Issue 6, July 2013, Pages 1407–1419, 

Spotlight – Justin

At Mavuno of Ohio, our Brand Ambassadors are not just individual personalities; they act as the embodiment of our values, passion, and commitment to your health and wellness. Meet Justin, whose warm personality and extensive knowledge allow us to connect with you on a deeper level

Q:As a Brand Ambassador, how do you see your position contributing to increased representation and diversity within the cannabis industry?

I think our going into the community and spreading positive news about cannabis in a black-owned business helps a lot with diversity because there are very few of us in it.

Q:What advice would you give to those aspiring to be in the cannabis industry?

The advice I would give someone is to never stop researching and discovering new incredible things that cannabis can do. Don’t limit yourself; go get it!

Q: How has cannabis positively impacted your life?

Cannabis has a positive impact on my life because it helps with stress and pain.

Q: As an advocate for cannabis education, what key messages or information do you feel are important for people to know?

Cannabis helps the body achieve homeostasis. Additionally, cannabis could potentially heal better without combustion of the flower. And, don’t be a stat chaser!

Q:How do you engage with the local community, and are there any community-focused initiatives or causes that are close to your heart?

I engage with the community with my genuine personality, and the event that I found the most fun was the Fireside Chat event hosted by Harvest last year.

Q:In honor of Black History Month, can you tell us about a figure from Black history who has inspired you?

There are many black figures who inspire me because they are all strong, but the one who inspired me the most was MLK. Despite the hatred and ignorance, he still found a way to bring peace and unite races for the greater good.

Q: What's your go-to cannabis strain, and what do you love most about it? Any special memories or experiences associated with it?

There are many strains that are my favorite, but I’m going to say Sour Blue Diesel by Buckeye Relief because it has a fresh taste, not too high in THC, but always pretty good on terps. I had a good experience with SBD when I was in pain; this strain tends to help alleviate pain because of its CBG content.

Q:What's the last show you binge-watched?

The last show that I binge-watched was ‘The Brothers Sun,’ an American Chinese series on Netflix. It’s a pretty dope show.

Q:If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be and your superhero name?

The superpower that I would have is telepathy, allowing me to read minds and move things with my mind. My superhero name would be ‘BrainStorm’.

Q:What's your dream vacation destination?

Tokyo, Japan!

Q:If you could have any animal as a pet, real or fictional, what would it be?

Appa, the flying bison from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Q:If you could master one new skill instantly, what would it be?

How to flip $1000 into $100,000.

Rooted Legacy: Cannabis Throughout Black History

Ancient Roots in Africa (3000 BC - 1000 AD):

Did you know that the Mexican term ‘marijuana’ is linked to the word ‘mariamba’, which was used in Kimbundu, a trade language from West and Central Africa? “A Brief Agricultural history of Cannabis in Africa” by Chris Duvall shows that cannabis came to Africa around 1000 years ago, marking the plant’s official introduction to the continent. However, there are many signs that ancient Egyptians found several uses for the cannabis plant as many as 5,000 years ago. It wasn’t until around 1500 AD that the plant’s popularity started to grow and spread over Africa. Farmers were known to cultivate the plant under a variety of settings, and cannabis gardens have been documented in many African countries, including South Africa, Mozambique, and Angola.


Pipe smoking, a huge shift in cannabis consumption, originated in Africa around this time. Before this development, cannabis was often ingested orally in Asia, where the plant originated. “The History of Cannabis in Africa: True Tales of Oppression, Suppression and Exploitation” mentions that there were many different techniques to prepare the cannabis plant for smoking, but the most simple and popular method was to dry the flowers beforehand. 


The introduction of pipe smoking in Africa led to a significant shift in the cultural and historical landscape of cannabis usage, which we see all over today. Modern techniques of cannabis consumption, such as water pipes, hookahs, and bongs, all trace their origins back to the single invention of pipe smoking, showing the impact African history has on today’s cannabis culture. 

Arrival to the World Through African Slave Trade (1526 - 1867):

As the slave trade unfolded, cannabis was valued for its health effects, primarily as a stimulant and medicinal plant. A complex relationship with the plant began as slavers provided cannabis for slaves to smoke during forced marches to give them moments of relief in the painful, horrible journey. 


A commercial trade where slaves transported cannabis shipments to the coast was also established during this time. Cannabis seeds were sown into the clothing worn on slave ships and were spread upon their arrival to the Americas, allowing the plant to travel across continents. Chris Duvall’s “The African Roots of Marijuana” mentions that these slaves “carried Cannabis indica to more locations and for a longer period of time than any other group of migrants.”


In the 16th century, slaves from various countries including Angola, brought cannabis seeds to Brazilian sugar plantations. Slave owners encouraged slaves to tend to their own cannabis plants in order to combat periods of ‘laziness’ and to increase productivity while they weren’t actively being forced to work.

The Jazz Era and Prohibition (1910- 1939) :

“Why, When, and How Marijuana Became Illegal” mentions how marijuana was utilized for various reasons for centuries in the Americas, but it wasn’t until the Prohibition Era (1920-1933), when alcohol was banned, that its recreational use really took off. Southern state governments began to regulate the cannabis plant around this time, claiming that its use had an impact on crime rates and that by banning cannabis, it would cause immigrants who brought the plant with them to leave. By 1931, recreational cannabis had become illegal in most of the United States, however it was still growing and thriving in the Jazz landscape. 

The History Channel states that the 1910’s marked a golden age for African American culture– the Harlem Renaissance had begun and the American Dream was going strong. The Black community sought refuge in communal spaces where they could dance and hang out called juke joints. These places were a safe space for Black people to escape from their everyday racial struggles. This made it an ideal space to partake in drinking, dancing, and listening to their favorite Jazz musicians. Cannabis was utilized by many, many of these Jazz musicians who played in juke joints from 1920-1939 for its ability to help the creative process as they made music and to keep that flow going while they performed. The love for reefer (or cannabis) showed through the numerous songs that Jazz musicians dedicated to it. 

Black Jazz musician Louis Armstrong is among the top artists of all time in the genre, and he took the music scene by storm with his transformation of Jazz music, including his song “Muggles”, a slang term for marijuana. Cab Calloway, the first African American to sell one million records, joined the ranks with a few releases mentioning marijuana during the 1930s and 1940s, including “Reefer Man” and “The Man From Harlem”. Despite segregation going strong, these songs were playing in many households across the country. 


 Due to its links to African Americans, jazz became known as “The Devil’s Music” and deemed to be demonic and immoral, sparking fear in those who believed the propaganda. “Reefer Madness”, a movie that made its debut in 1936, was just one of the campaigns to prove that marijuana brought nothing but trouble. 

Reefer Madness Cover

The War on Drugs (1971 - 1995) :

Harry Anslinger, director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, had done much work in the 1930s-1960s to link anti-cannabis rhetoric to an anti-Black mindset. He was quoted saying, “Satanic music, jazz and swing, results from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and others.” According to “Racism and Its Effect on Cannabis Research” by Robert Solomon, Anslinger’s work to introduce marijuana reform with the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act set the stage for the Marijuana Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Signed by President Richard Nixon in 1970, this act categorized drugs from Schedule 1 to 5 based on the danger they pose (marijuana falls as a schedule 1 substance) and is still in place today. 

In 1971, President Nixon declared the “War on Drugs” to combat drug abuse and increase government efforts to control it. According to PBS’ Marijuana Timeline, the initiative went into the background for a little while, until conservative groups lobbied for stricter policies and gained a lot of support from large organizations like the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). This did much in changing the public opinion of cannabis to a negative one. President Ronald Regain strengthened the initiative in 1981, when he signed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act. 

PBS’ Marijuana Timeline goes on to mention that under the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, policy allowed for three infractions before life sentences were given. 100 marijuana plants was sentenced equal to 100 grams of heroin. Unfortunately, this led to a snowball effect as incarceration, especially of Black people, became much more emphasized than treatment due to governmental pushes and public fears of the crack epidemic rising. 


According to the 1996 Crime in the United States (CIUS) Report, from 1980-1995, there was an 80% increase in the total number of arrests for the possession or sale of marijuana. In 1995, the proportion of Black people in total drug arrests increased from 24% in 1980 to 39% in 1995. On the other hand, White arrests decreased from 75% in 1980 to 60% in 1995. The distribution of other racial groups stayed relatively the same during this period.

The Present (2000 - Present) :

California became the first state to legalize recreational cannabis use for adults 21 and over in 2016. In the years since then, we’ve seen several states reform their cannabis policies, with Ohio becoming the most recent state to legalize recreational marijuana in 2023. As marijuana possession and use becomes legal across the United States, we reach a new climate as the public opinion on marijuana steadily changes. 

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 12.05.44 PM

According to The Pew Research Center, 85% of Black Americans now say at least the medical use of marijuana should be legal. Outrage ensued as Black track star Sha’Carri Richardson was unable to compete in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics after THC led to a failed drug test. The growing support for her and other users of cannabis can be attributed to several factors such as the widespread popularity of Hip Hop culture and its ties to marijuana, increased research and understanding of the plant, and the success of states adopting new legalization policies.

California became the first state to legalize recreational cannabis use for adults 21 and over in 2016. In the years since then, we’ve seen several states reform their cannabis policies, with Ohio becoming the most recent state to legalize recreational marijuana in 2023. As marijuana possession and use becomes legal across the United States, we reach a new climate as the public opinion on marijuana steadily changes. 


According to The Pew Research Center, 85% of Black Americans now say at least the medical use of marijuana should be legal. Outrage ensued as Black track star Sha’Carri Richardson was unable to compete in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics after THC led to a failed drug test. The growing support for her and other users of cannabis can be attributed to several factors such as the widespread popularity of Hip Hop culture and its ties to marijuana, increased research and understanding of the plant, and the success of states adopting new legalization policies.


Mental health conversations have opened up and safe spaces are now ways to facilitate mental and physical self-care, many of which utilize cannabis to maintain this. A 2020 Statista survey showed that 27% of Black Americans aged 18-25 mentioned that they had used marijuana in the last month. The social aspect of cannabis remains strong as the shift from juke joints to Black nightclubs and bars gives a way to escape pressures of daily life and build community.


With that said, we still have much to do. The American Civil Liberties Union mentions that from 2001-2010, over 8.2 million people were arrested for simple marijuana possession. Of this number, Black people were around 4 times more likely to be arrested. Fortunately, programs like Last Prisoner Project, a nonprofit dedicated to reforming the criminal justice system and supporting those affected, are becoming more commonplace and pardons are being issued. With this information, we look toward a brighter future and are excited to see society form a healthy relationship with the plant that weaves a connection through Black history. 


To learn more about the Last Prisoner Project, click here!

Top 5 Unique Valentine’s Day Gifts Your Partner Won’t Expect

Valentine’s Day is here, and while it’s a time of love, it can be a bit stressful to figure out what to get your special someone. Look no further, we’ve created a list with the best gift ideas for you! From personalized fragrances to custom cannabis accessories, here are the top 5 Valentine’s gifts that will make your celebration a hit.

Customized Cannabis Accessories (#5):

You can elevate your partner’s cannabis experience by including that special personalized touch. Customize rolling papers with unique designs or their name, place a picture you both love on a high-quality grinder, or give them a cool reminder of their favorite character on a new lighter. This gift combines thoughtfulness and functionality into one amazing product, creating a unique and memorable addition to their cannabis repertoire. 

Etsy is an amazing place to get these items made and shipped to you, here are some options to get you started: 

  1. Personalized Grinder

  2. Custom Rolling Tray Set

  3. Custom Lighters

Memory-Making Time(#4):

As they say, “experience gives us memories that last a lifetime.” Whether it’s a cooking class, a uniquely-themed restaurant you’ve always wanted to try followed by a visit to a museum exhibition, or a weekend getaway, an experience that you both can enjoy together is sure to make a memory that you’ll be able to look back on. These shared adventures not only deepen your connection but also write stories that will become cherished chapters in the book of your relationship, making every moment truly unforgettable.

Below are some cool and unique things to do near you!

  1. Columbus
    1. Otherworld | Immersive Art Experience 
    2. Game Show Battle Rooms
    3. The Escape Game Columbus 
  2. Athens
    1. Athena Cinema
    2. Kennedy Museum of Art 
    3. Vacation Cabin Getaway
  3. Beavercreek
    1. Two Social | Gaming Center & Bar
    2. Wild Axe Throwing
    3. The Learning Kitchen 

Cannabis Themed Apparel (#3):

Does your partner have a passion for fashion? Make a bold statement with cannabis-themed apparel that reflects your partner’s tastes. From stylish T-shirts and hoodies to cool accessories and jewelry, there are endless options to showcase their love for cannabis culture. Choosing pieces that align with their style makes this a thoughtful gift that they will absolutely appreciate. Not only does this gift  allow them to express their interests, but it also adds a touch of individuality to their wardrobe, ensuring they stand out with a unique and fashionable edge.

Here’s a list of some amazing options we found: 

  1. Blaze It Hoodie
  2. Unisex Stoner Girl Sweatshirt 
  3. Unisex Plant Some Trees Shirt
  4. Nugget Plushie
  5. Resin Ring


Custom Fragrance (#2):

Did you know that attraction is often linked to scent? Harnessing this intriguing connection, we’re recommending a custom fragrance as the perfect gift.  You can work with a perfumer to create a scent that embodies the essence of your relationship or find a custom candle shop near you. Whether it’s a blend of floral notes, warm spices, or citrus undertones, a custom fragrance is a personal and romantic gift that will be cherished.

The list below has a few custom perfume and scent companies that ship to your house!

  1. Me Fragrance Custom Perfume
  2. Maison 21G
  3. Scent Crafters 

Harvest of OH Valentine’s Day Love Bundle (#1):

We’ve saved the best for last! Kick off the celebration with our curated Valentine’s Day Love Bundle, featuring the romantic essentials:  topicals, chocolates, and cannabis flower. Available on Valentine’s Day at a 30% discount, this bundle can be paired perfectly with a gift basket or given as a stand-alone gift. Complete the gesture with a personalized card, scented candles, and a heartfelt message, tailoring it to your partner’s tastes for a one-of-a-kind expression of your love.

This Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to step outside the ordinary to express your love with gifts that mirror the uniqueness of your relationship. Each of these presents is bound to make your celebration truly memorable. Demonstrate your appreciation for your partner’s individuality and celebrate the bond you share with gifts that resonate with their heart. Let us know all about how your Valentine’s Day went by tagging us @harvestofoh on Instagram!

The list below has a few custom perfume and scent companies that ship to your house!

  1. Me Fragrance Custom Perfume
  2. Maison 21G
  3. Scent Crafters 

Spotlight – Dalen

Meet Dalen, our dynamic Inventory Specialist at Harvest of Athens! With a keen eye for detail, Dalen plays an important role in ensuring our inventory management is nothing short of seamless. Join us in welcoming Dalen to his new role as he keeps our operations running smoothly and makes sure there’s precision in everything!

Q: With the start of a new year, what aspect of your role at the dispensary are you most excited about?

I’m most excited to be able to listen for new customer recommendations and continue to innovate our online menu, giving more accuracy and more detail on our products.

Q: What was your proudest moment from your work at Harvest in the past year?

My proudest moment would have to be receiving this promotion from Dispensary Associate to Inventory Supervisor within my first 6 months of work. When I came to Harvest I knew I was with good people who saw my potential, and that I could be successful with the fantastic team we’ve assembled.

Q: What's one thing you wish more people knew about the benefits of medical cannabis?

Medical cannabis comes in all forms, from flower, to oils, topicals and tinctures, drinks, gummies and even chocolates. Medical cannabis edible items can also be dietary-restriction friendly such as the vegan diet. This leaves lots of room to experiment with different forms of the same substance in order to best fit your day-to-day needs.

Q: As you start inventory management, what strategies have you found work the best?

What I’ve learned throughout my time as Inventory Supervisor, is that everyone has a different strategy to accomplish the same organizing goal, and putting the team first means that everyone has less work to be done so long as we’re all working together. My personal strategy though, is slow and steady wins the race. 

Q:Is there an unexpected item that is selling out the fastest?

I definitely have to give it to the Riviera Creek Infused Riv sticks, they’ve been in and out of the store faster than anything else, and in my experience, nothing else touches that level of potency at that price!

Q:Winter is in full swing. Do you have any favorite cannabis products or strains that you recommend for relaxation or cozy evenings?

This winter is a COLD one, so I’d recommend settling down at night with a nice cup of the UBGOOD hot cocoa mix and a Kiva chocolate bar in order to best enjoy the season. Though the Butterfly Effect infusion powder mixed into tea still is a nightly go-to.

Q: What would you be voted “Most Likely” for in a Harvest Yearbook?

Most likely to join a band.

Q:If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

I’d go to Okinawa, Japan, although I’d need to bring my grandma with me since it’s where she grew up, I’d really love to see all of Japan using the public train system in a single trip. 

Q:What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions?

Exercise more, drink more water, and save money but don’t deprive.

Q:Would you rather always be cold or always be hot? Why?

I’d rather always be cold, because I can always bundle myself up but I can only un-bundle myself so much before someone has to call the police.

Q:What’s something you couldn’t live without?

I absolutely couldn’t live without my animals. I have two cats named Oatmeal and Tofu, and an Australian shepherd named Oliver.

Q:I think I’d choose to be Naruto Uzumaki, pretty self-explanatory, if you know you know.

Title : “Did I Ever Wake Up?” Genre : Sci-Fi Fantasy Thriller.

Inside the Brain: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

In the pursuit of health advocacy, some battles are unique, affecting the center of our existence – our brains. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a condition that demands our attention. As we unite to raise awareness on CTE Awareness Day, it's crucial to delve into the depths of this condition, its impact, and the imperative need for awareness and research.

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a complex and progressive neurodegenerative condition that has seen an increase in attention during recent years, especially in the worlds of contact sports and military service. In the state of Ohio, CTE is recognized as a qualifying medical condition under the OMMCP. It’s characterized by the build up of abnormal tau protein in the brain, which may be triggered by repetitive head traumas, like concussions. While the symptoms of CTE may not come about immediately, the condition gradually unfolds over time, leading to changes in mood, behavior, and thought (1)


Recent advancements in CTE research have propelled our understanding of this medical condition forward. Improved diagnostic tools, such as advanced imaging and biomarker studies, allow for earlier detection and intervention (2). Preventative measures, such as rule changes in contact sports, protective equipment innovations, and increased research funding, show the many approaches that are being taken to handle the complexities of CTE (3). 


The exploration of medical marijuana as a treatment adds a promising aspect to ongoing efforts, and allows for symptom management and improving the quality of life for those affected by this qualifying condition. As awareness grows and collaborative research efforts continue, the hope is that these advancements will lead to breakthroughs that transform the landscape of CTE diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.


Through our exploration of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, we’re reminded of our commitment to better understand the challenges faced by people with this condition and to create a positive impact in our community. 


Learn how you can support those with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)!




5 Outstanding Ways to Celebrate MLK Day in Your Community

This year, Harvest of OH is celebrating MLK Day and as we commemorate the enduring legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., we realize there’s no better way to honor his life than by actively contributing to the well-being of our communities to create a meaningful impact. Here are five inspiring ways to spread joy and create a more vibrant community:

Community Clean-Up:

There’s a unique sense of camaraderie that comes with working together towards a common goal. Organize a community clean-up event where residents come armed with gloves and trash bags to rejuvenate local parks, streets, or communal spaces. This not only enhances the physical environment but also fosters a shared commitment to the well-being of the community.

Kindness Ripple Effect:

Initiate a kindness campaign that encourages residents to perform random acts of kindness throughout the day. Distribute cards or flyers suggesting simple yet impactful acts like offering a friendly smile, helping a neighbor, or leaving positive notes in public spaces. Watch as these small acts create a ripple effect, uplifting the spirits of everyone involved.

Cultural Potluck Celebration:

Break down barriers and celebrate diversity by organizing a community potluck that showcases the rich tapestry of cultures within your neighborhood. Encourage residents to bring dishes that represent their heritage, fostering understanding and appreciation for the vibrant backgrounds that make up your community.

Community Storytelling Gathering:

Embrace the power of storytelling to strengthen the bonds within your community. Host a gathering where residents can share personal stories that highlight unity, resilience, and overcoming challenges. Whether through spoken word, written narratives, or visual presentations, storytelling fosters empathy and connection.

Artistic Expressions of Unity:

Tap into the creative talents of your community by organizing an art project that reflects the themes of unity, equality, and positive change. Encourage local artists to contribute murals, sculptures, or other visual representations that celebrate the shared values of Martin Luther King Jr. These artistic expressions not only beautify public spaces but also serve as constant reminders of the community’s commitment to a brighter future.

Spotlight – Jared

Harvest of OH’s Dispensary Associates are known for their friendly dispositions and vast knowledge of the industry and products. Jared is an outstanding team member thanks to his ability to connect with our patients and ensuring that the work he does is exceptional every day.

Q: As we wrap up 2023, what lessons have you harvested from your journey working in the medical cannabis industry this past year?

Medical cannabis patients come in wide varieties, with different wants and needs and knowledge levels. So I don’t assume or recommend products based on my tolerance and taste, without first getting a baseline feel for the patient’s experience with cannabis products.

Q: What's your secret sauce for staying in the loop about all the products we have on our dispensary shelves?

Asking questions! Whether it be a co-worker, Brand Ambassador from another company, or our patients themselves. That way, I have more of a broad knowledge and not just first-hand experiences since cannabis can affect people differently. I was always told the dumbest questions are the ones you don’t ask!

Q: What’s the absolute highlight of being a Dispensary Associate?

For sure our regulars! Being able to chat frequently and give recommendations, then receive feedback on the next visit of said recommendations, in order for us to better serve them is amazing!

Q: What is your favorite Harvest memory that brings a smile to your face?

In all honesty, finding out I got hired. Cannabis has been a part of my life for a while now and I really wanted to get into this industry– that way I would be able to interact with and help people on a day to day basis.

Q: Reflecting on your journey at Harvest from the beginning until now, in what ways have you personally evolved?

Just by getting my foot in the door at Harvest, I feel as if I have brand new windshield wipers, and I’ve got a clear vision of where I’d like to go in this industry and my future.

Q:With the recent passage of Issue 2, what exciting developments do you hope to witness at Harvest of OH in the coming years?

The development of recreational dispensaries is something I’ve experienced in various states, and it’s a whole different ball game. It’ll be interesting to see how Ohio approaches the industry, allowing dispensaries to have dual licenses for both medical and recreational sales and operations.

Q: If you had the power to bring one mythical creature to life, which one would you choose?

I would choose a Pegasus.

Q:What’s an awesome hidden talent you have up your sleeve?

Dance move : The worm. Party trick : Juggling.

Q:If the seasons were constant and never changed, which one would you prefer to experience all the time?

I would say spring.

Q:Throughout your life, what has been your proudest achievement?

Being a good/fun uncle. Cheesy? Yes. But I genuinely love being “Uncle Bub” or “Ubba” for short. I could go on and on about my nieces and nephew!

Q:What’s a song that’s been playing in your head recently?

Gold on the Ceiling by The Black Keys

Q:If you were to write a book about your life, what would the title be, and what genre would it belong to?

Title : “Did I Ever Wake Up?” Genre : Sci-Fi Fantasy Thriller.